Using Django ORM as a standaloneDjango is one of the popular python frameworks; critiques have argued that it is a bloated framework. The truth of the matter is that it is…Dec 14, 20211Dec 14, 20211
Getting started with GraphQL queries.In a previous article I introduced GraphQl definitions and a tool that you can use to easily create and generate…May 20, 2020May 20, 2020
Getting started with GraphQLFor a long time, the world of API had been relying on REST and SOAP. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) was invented in 1998, while…May 16, 20201May 16, 20201
How to resolve No Xcode or CLT version detected!Have you found yourself with some errors while installing packages on NPM which was related to xCode. Below is a way to resolve it. I…Apr 8, 202022Apr 8, 202022
How to deploy your VueJS using Github Actions (on Firebase Hosting)In this article I will show you how to automatically deploy a simple VueJS application using Github Actions. I will deploy to Firebase…Apr 6, 20201Apr 6, 20201
A simple guide to understanding componentsOne of the most confused term is component, software engineers will spend so much time learning these frameworks.Mar 31, 2020Mar 31, 2020
A simple Facebook Login Component in Vue JSIn this post, I will show you how to create a Facebook Social login button component to a web page using Facebook’s JavaScript SDK. This…Jan 13, 202011Jan 13, 202011
How to CSS Lint & Auto-fix using Stickler and StylelintGenerally speaking, linting is a tool or technique for static code analysis. The main purpose of linting is to analyse the internal…Oct 2, 2019Oct 2, 2019
Ground rules to communication for distributed teamsOur world is more connected than ever and it presents amazing opportunities for connection. Throughout the last couple of decades, our…Oct 2, 20191Oct 2, 20191